Happy Graduates!

My experience in DATC was so much more than I had thought it ever would be. I knew it would be fast paced and the time would be short but I went in every Saturday at 7:50 A.M. and soaked everything up like a sponge. I made sure to keep a positive attitude and I always put my best foot forward.
Before I chose DATC I was so unsure of where my life was going. I was working long, grueling hours at a horse barn where the summers were hot, the winters were long, and the weekends and time off were things I only dreamt about. When I finally decided I wanted to pursue a career in dental assisting I applied to two different programs only for my hopes to be crushed not once, but twice. I’m a fighter though. I fight for the things I want most in life and I knew that dental assisting was what I wanted to do. I had heard of DATC through my husband who knew Kristen Lowe and I thought that a 12 week class was just too good to be true. After trying twice before, I was giving my last bit of hope into a 12 week course that I was unsure about but I knew that no matter what it took, I was getting in to that 12 week course and I was going to become a dental assistant. When I got my official letter in the mail welcoming me to the class I was ecstatic! It was such a breath of fresh air. I had gotten in!

My testimonial it’s a little different from other students at DATC, because I had a little experience working as a Dental Assistant in another state, I relocated to North Carolina in 2017, but if I wanted to keep working as a Dental assistant, I need it a new X-ray license and training approved by The North Carolina Dental board, I gave up for while and started working in different places ( warehouse, assembly etc..) I was not happy, so I decided to do something instead of keep complaining about my job. I found DATC and this program gave me the proper training and skills to become a Dental assistant in only 12 Saturdays , today I have a better job and enjoy what I do thanks to DATC. I am very grateful with Dr. Barwick and her staff.
Mi testimonio es un poco diferente quiza de otros estudiantes que se graduraron de DATC, prque yo ya tenia un poco de experiencia trabajando como Asistente Dental en otro estado, yo me mude a North Carolina en el 2017 y si queria seguir tranajando como Asistente Dental, tenia primero que obtener licencia de radiologia y terminar un entranamiento aprovado por la asociacion Dental de North Carolina, asi que me rendi por un tiempo, empece a trabajar en diferentes lugares (ensamble, almacenes etc.. ) No me sentia feliz, asi que decidi hacer algo en lugar seguir quejandome de mi trabajo, despues de buscar informacion en internet encontre DATC, este programa me dio el entranamiento adecuado y las habilidades para trabajar como asistente dental en solamente 12 sabados, hoy tengo un mejor trabajo y disfruto lo que hago gracias a DATC, por eso estoy muy agradecida con la Dra. Barwick y su equipo de trabajo.
I would not be where I am today in my career, if not for Dental Assistant Training Center of Graham, NC. This program had a tremendous impact on my life. The skills and training from this program gave me the knowledge to highly succeed in dental assisting. I enjoy going to work everyday, and would encourage anyone to make this career step!

What DATC did for me was challenge me. DATC molded me and DATC pushed me every Saturday. And then I went home and I challenged myself with my homework and I pushed myself to the best of my ability. I could go on for days about all of the positive experiences I had, from the amazing relationships and friendships I have made with my classmates, teachers, and Dr. Barwick but that would just bore you and make me cry.

I absolutely loved DATC and looked forward to spending my entire Saturday for 12 weeks in class with 6 other girls and instructors that I didn’t know in the beginning. If you’re not sure about choosing DATC then let me be the one to get rid of your doubts. CHOOSE DATC! You won’t regret it!
This program helped me get to where I am today, which is Dental Hygiene School!! I am also a CDA. I could not be more thankful.
DATC changed my life! It helped me get a stable job so that I could raise my son. Becoming a DA continues to support me with my part time ortho assistant job while I go back to school for nursing. Although I’ve decided to change fields, I will be forever grateful for what DATC helped me to achieve.
Megan, a graduate from DATC Session 13, stopped by on June 4th, 2016 to talk with Session 14 students about her experience as a DA I. She also took a few minutes to record her thoughts with us.
Haber asistido a DATC y entrar en la rama de medicina fue la mejor opción que pude ver. Me abrió muchas puertas y oportunidades de trabajo. Estoy muy satisfecho en ver asistido a este programa. Ademas es una gran oportunidad para todos aquellos que buscan una carrera corta y al mismo tiempo tener un trabajo ya que DATC ofrece las clase por los sábados.
Dental Assistant te ofrece todas las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios. Ademas es un programa muy complejo los instructores con todo el conocimiento necesario.
Agradesco a todo el equipo de DATC y la Dr Karen Barwick.
Muchas Gracias

Starting the program at DATC was exciting and rewarding. The program flew by and we learned much necessary office and laboratory essential practices. With my experiance at Datc I have been able to start off my career and appreciate all the instructors who went the extra mile to ensure I was confident enough to step foot out in the work force.
~Jovanna M.
(Session 12)

Dear Dr. Barwick,
I want to apologize for not being in touch with you the last couple of weeks, I was working but not in the Dental field, (trying to keep paying my bills), Two weeks ago I was hired at Dr. Wangs Dental office. Currently I am working full time with her, still trying to learn and get new skills and be more productive and useful everyday.
Again thank you for your help.
I am a graduate from Dr Barwick’s program and she is and outstanding teacher and dentist. She gave me the knowledge to became a DA1 through hard work she pushed me to strive to be my best self. This program is worth the money and it’s wonderful to be in. Not many people can say they accomplished this degree in 12 weeks. It’s a great field to be in an grow in you learn everyday. So it is a must if you’re interested in helping people have a beautiful smile.
Attending the DATC program with Dr. Karen Barwick and her awesome DATC team was one of the best choices I’ve made. We worked together as a team and no one was left behind. Working a full time job and going back to school can be difficult but with the Saturday classes I was able to do both.I had calls for interviews before graduation. I recommend anyone interested in the dental field to take this class!

I’ve accepted a new job at Mohorn Oral surgery and on my 2 week here and i absolutely love it!!!!
Good Morning! This is brittany manuel. I just started at Smile Direct Club in Raleigh!! I really like it. And thankful for DATC bc i would have this job. Y’all be blessed!
Hey Dr. Barwick! I was working as a Hygiene Assistant in Durham & ended up going back into banking. I just recently applied for an ortho assistant at Mack’s but it’s been so long & I have such little experience, do I still have a chance to work in the dentist field?
I graduated DATC in 2017, I always knew I wanted to be a part of the healthcare field & I’m thankful I chose a strong career like dental assisting. While attending DATC I raised an infant & worked two jobs and managed to get highest GPA & most clinical hours. I graduated with a job that I started immediately after school in Chapel Hill, today i walk into my office with knowledge that i learned at DATC & a open mind to always continue my education. I also have had the opportunity to advance my skills by working not only as an assistant but as front office assistant, as needed. I’m beyond thankful I chose to go through DATC as now I get to spend time with my family and have a successful career.

As I was approaching the end of my senior year in high school, I still didn’t know which career path was for me. I thought about several different options as I was choosing my career. When I heard about DATC, I was super excited about dental assisting and I couldn’t wait to find out more about it. I applied, got accepted, and fell in love with dental assisting the first day of class. I graduated DATC in 2016 and started working in 2016 as a dental assistant, right after graduating. Since then, I have become a DA II and I have received my coronal polishing certification. I’m one step away from becoming a CDA. I still love my job and I still learn new things everyday! DATC changed my life and gave me the skills to work in a career that I love!
Cassidy Spake
Week 1 comments:
“Time flies when you’re having fun. Class has exceeded my expectations!”
“Would have liked more time in Clinic”
Week 2 comments:
“Today I learned a lot about cleaning and sterilizing. They were very well explained.”
“I really enjoy getting the PowerPoint presentations early so I know what we will study.”
“Labs help to remember stuff.”
Week 3 comments:
Tell us ONE THING that you learned or that was reinforced while on your clinical rotation this week or during your clinic session today.
I learned how to more efficiently use the air/water syringe and HVE.”
“I really enjoyed learning how to use the saliva ejector and moisture control.”
“How to clean mouths and do a good job with it.”
“How to clean operatories and use the HVE.”
“Good posture and making sure the patient is comfortable were reinforced today. Best day so far. Powerpoint was much better today since it was not read word for word.”
“Use a HVE to help suction big particles out of the mouth then move to saliva ejector for smaller particles.”
“Make sure to hold and pass your instruments correctly to your dentist.”
“I feel like the material we read regarding moisture control was made clear while being in the clinic today.”
“How to clean a room and put barriers on quickly”
“I was reminded on how to spray-wipe-spray”
“ I learned how a maxillary right third molar is extracted. I also learned in clinicals that not everything always goes as planned in a dental office”
Week 4 comments:
Please tell us your best and worst rotation experience so far.
“The best rotation was at an orthodontic office. It was so much different than the other offices I’ve been to. My worst experience was at another orthodontic office where they were trying to put braces on a 7-year-old. “
Very interesting in opening the office, I didn’t realize the compressor was so loud”
“I only have a good experience to share: At the pediatric dentist office. I love kids and the atmosphere”
The best was at a general dentist office with hands on learning. The worst was at last week’s rotation when I just stood back and watched.”
“Both rotations I have been to have been great. It gave me a chance to see all offices are different, not wrong, just different”
“Most valuable experience is using instruments on live patients. Encouraging to see I really can do it!”
“I don’t have a bad experience so far but the best is when I got to sit chairside”
“I’ve only done one rotation. The first patient was we saw was eating oreos in the reception area.”
“The clinical rotation where I saw an extraction”
Weeks 5 & 6 comments:
“I felt like the study questions to prepare us for the per-test weren’t really relevant to the pre-test. However, the study tips were VERY helpful in preparing for the final (Radiology) exam. “
“My instructors today were great and very helpful”
“I think today helped me get a greater feel for x-rays. The instructors were very helpful to ask any questions to”
“I enjoyed doing/learning more about x-rays”
“X-rays are fun!”
“The instructors were very helpful when taking x-rays”
“Today was fun and very learningful. We had some amazing helpers today”
“At the end of the day, we ran slightly short of time, however, I feel confident in the process of exposing and developing radiographs. The information was clear and concise”
“Hands on experience is the best!!! I really learned a lot , knowing exactly where to place a PIUD in order to take a GREAT X-RAY; learning how to angle… made the difference placing the film”
Week 7 Comments:
Best and worst clinical rotation experience
“Best: Getting to change wires and O’s in an ortho office”
“Worst: Being in any office on a “Slow day””
“My best was being at the pediatric office. I don’t have any bad experiences.”
“Shadowing at an Oral Surgery office was a blast! Strengthened my interest in oral surgery. Procedures are gruesome yet fascinating. Was able to see a lot of mandibular and maxillary anatomy during extraction!”
“My best rotation was at a pediatric office where they extracted 4 teeth on a 10-year-old. My worst was at a general dental office where the dentist didn’t wear a mask”
“Pouring models on a live patient was really fun and it made me learn more that way! Our instructors were awesome”
“Some material presented was unclear during the presentation. A lot of information from the PowerPoint was not discussed. My best clinical experience was with a periodontist because that area of specialty was completely new to me,
My worst experience was at a general dental office. The dental assistant I shadowed was VERY unprofessional. Also, a dental assistant I did not work with filled out my evaluation and I feel under evaluated me”
“I enjoyed learning about temp \crowns, how they were made was very interesting to see”
“I really enjoyed trimming the temporary crow, Shelly was awesome and very friendly. I wish models had gums though. Would have been wonderful”
Best DATC: Learning how to take x-rays and being comfortable enough to do them on a patient during rotations.
“Today was fun making crowns but I wish we had more time in the back rather than such long lectures”
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General information: admin@datcinc.com
Email Tracey for questions regarding Health Forms
Email Dr. Barwick for questions regarding Attendance, tuition payments, rotation requirements, approved offices and completed hours
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Dental Assistant I and Dental Assistant II
In North Carolina, there are two classifications for Dental Assistants (DAI and DAII.) North Carolina does NOT certify assistants. Classification is based on experience and/or training as listed below. It is up to the employer to verify an assistant's qualifications and determine if he/she is a DAI or DAII.
Education and Training Requirements
To be classified as a Dental Assistant II, an assistant shall meet one of the following
(1) completion of:
(a) an ADA-accredited dental assisting program and current certification in CPR; or
(b) one academic year or longer in an ADA-accredited dental hygiene program, and current certification in CPR; or
(2) completion of the Dental Assistant certification examination(s) administered by the Dental Assisting National Board and current certification in CPR; or
Education and Training Requirements (Cont'd)
(3) completion of:
(a) a 3-hour course in sterilization and infection control;
(b) a 3-hour course in dental office emergencies; and
(c) current certification in CPR.
(d) after completing Sub-Items (3)(b), (c), and (d) of this Rule, dental assistants may be trained in any dental delivery setting and allowed to perform the functions of a Dental Assistant II under the direct control and supervision of a licensed dentist, except as listed in Sub-Item 3(e) of this Rule.
(e) dental assistants may take radiographs after completing radiology training consistent with G.S. 90-29(c)(12).
(f) full-time employment and experience as a chairside assistant for two years (3,000 hours) of the preceding five, during which period the assistant may be trained in any dental delivery setting and allowed to perform the functions of a Dental Assistant II under the direct control and supervision of a licensed dentist.
Radiography Requirements
A certified dental assistant [(one who successfully completes the DANB exam (see (3) above)] or an assistant who completes an ADA-accredited dental assisting or dental hygiene program may take radiographs without further examination. All others, including those who move to North Carolina from out-of-state, must successfully pass an equivalency exam. This exam may be challenged after completing "seven hours of instruction in the production and use of dental x-rays and an education program of not less than fourteen hours in clinical dental radiology." You must be able to prove that you have the minimal amount of training to be eligible to take the radiology equivalency exam, or you may take a course prior to taking the exam. Any Board approved radiography course is acceptable and any approved course's final examination is recognized as the equivalency exam.
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